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Tuesday, January 6, 2015 Full 5 Step plan

1. Understanding what adversity actually is
This may seem like common knowledge but few people actually understand what an adversity actually is. A simple google search will list the definition as “difficulties; misfortune” which lacks the key point. I haveformed my own definition that I believe better suits the word. An adversity is any obstacle or problem that allows you to grow as a result of overcoming it. Although an adversity serves as a problem it brings with it personal value

2. Analyzing the actual adversity
Analyzing the adversity is a step that most people tend not to pay much attention too. Not focusing on what the actual adversity is only sets people up for failure. In order to overcome an adversity you must understand what the actual adversity is. This may not seem as simple as it sounds. A common mistake is too often made is analyzing the wrong problem! For example someone who has financial adversities may believe that their problem lies with their income. This idea only masks the true problem which is the individuals spending. Rethinking adversity allows for the true problem to be addressed, therefore eliminating future adversities. The problem may not always be what it seems. This type of thinking is a necessary skill that allows someone to rethink adversity.

3. Added Reward 
The key to rethinking adversity is finding the value in the adversity. Understanding the benefit of facing an adversity is what makes a person appreciate the adversities they have faced. This is the most complicated step in the process of rethinking adversity. The reward, similar to the adversity, may not be as apparent as it seems. The key is to rethink your initial though about the adversity and all the challenges it brings. You must find value, even in situations where there may seem that no value is present. This is the key to a successful life.

4. Action 
The action step is what provokes change in your life. The manner in which you take an action to solve the problem is also very relevant. Act in the manner that you have always acted and you will receive the same results that you have always gotten. Your actions have to differ from previous attempts, but don’t limit yourself to one strategy. 

5. Appreciation  
Appreciation is the easiest step to accomplish and tends to come without much effort. After rethinking an adversity and facing it, one cannot help but to appreciate the skill. As a result of rethinking adversity you will obtain problem solving skills that have limitless potential depending on how you decide to implement them. After mastering the skill of rethinking adversity you will no longer run from your problems but instead seek to solve them, understanding that they will elevate you by adding value to your life.

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