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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

-The Battle- (

-The Battle- 

The thoughts storm in like raindrops
I try to see the light that the clouds block
If I stop for a moment
Then time stops
Although I still continue to feel the raindrops
Struggling to find a dry spot
With every step feeling like a long walk
Hope is my partner and my enemy
Too much of it will get me soaked
Too little will make me choke
I want to be persistent
But I know I wont
I want others to listen
And yet they dont
I'm at war with myself
A battle that is undefeatable
Looking for a cure
But the issue is untreatable
With strength and confidence
I will stay at float
The weather is rough
But good memories blanket me as a coat
I have doubts, worries, and anxieties
But the Sun is too strong to be blocked entirely
Waiting to burn the demon inside of me
I hold my ground
And wait.. for the next fight to be!

-Joshua Rosario-
J&R Poetry©

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Adversity Definition (

I am constantly surprised by the numerous amounts of times that I get asked asked what is the definition of adversity is. A simple google search will define adversity as difficulties or misfortune. I hate that definition because it lacks the key fundamentals of what a adversity actually does. Before I explain what I mean by that let me ask you a question, what makes a person valuable? I believe what makes a person valuable, is their ability to solve problems. Take a second and truly think about what I just said! 

Why is it that a professional earns more than your average Joe? It is because they have the ability to solve other people’s problems. Their knowledge is what makes them valuable to society. So, I feel that when defining adversity it is critical to add to the definition that adversities somehow bring value to the person facing it. As a result I define adversity as, 

"chance to increase an individual’s value by overcoming a challenge".

This ideology forms the basis of my mind set. Understanding this concept has allowed me to embrace problems because I am constantly looking forward to the value that they will bring to me. 

Don't forget to visit for more content.

Friday, January 16, 2015

6 Traits that Will Help Anyone Overcome Adversity

6 Traits that Will Help Anyone Overcome Adversity

I believe that the law of attraction has the ability to change anyone’s life. By projecting positivity, kind thoughts, and maintaining an open mind set a person is much more likely to have more good days then bad. Understanding that adversities happen is a given, but understanding how to deal with them is another story.

We may not be able to control what life throws at us but we are able to control are attitude towards the matter.  I understand that the proper attitude towards facing an adversity can be the difference between success and failure.  If you want to learn to portray a never giving up attitude then you must embrace the following qualities.

1. Be Enthusiastic
When a person is truly enthusiastic about anything everyone in the room can tell. What is even more exciting is that being enthusiastic becomes contagious. By maintaining your enthusiasm you not only elevate your personal aura but you begin to elevate everyone else in the room. Also by being enthusiastic people are more likely to listen when being enthusiastic themselves.

2. Focus
Zone into what you want to accomplish. Determine what is it that you want to achieve and how is it that you will be able to effectively complete the task at hand. Make up a mental plan and WRITE IT DOWN!

3.  Sense of Urgency
A sense of urgency is what provokes a person to get ‘up and at em’. The problem that most face is that they will come up with a reason why the task does not need to get done right away. Once you overcome  that small voice in your head that says “just do it later”, you will become one step closer to overcoming adversities more effectively.

4. Keep Advancing
Once you begin to get things moving the process will either become easier or progressively get more challenging. Either way keep it moving, as a law of physics states a body in motion stays in motion. Momentum becomes a state of mind and as a result you will keep pushing even through disappointment.

5. Curiosity
Curiosity may have killed the cat but lacking curiosity will kill your drive. You must want to know why things occur in the manner that they do.  After curiosity comes knowledge.

6. Keeping Your Composure

You are going to face adversities in life no matter what. Developing the ability to stay calm during the storm prove as a valuable tool throughout life. By maintaining your composure you may reveal ideas that you may never have thought of if you were in a hectic mood. Plus less stress has never hurt anyone.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Monday, January 12, 2015

*The Focus is Real* (

Another great poem from poet Joshua Rosario.

*The Focus is Real*

You can picture your world, on a silver platter
Yet what does it matter
Two lips may pair
For words are just weak
Commitment is lacking
May your actions for once speak
Cuts, bruises, the blood that you shed
Will spread out great rumors
Untill the rumors are dead
Let not one fall to there knees in disgrace
Rather stand up tall
For the moment is ment to embrace
A victory is not won with a mind that is shallow
The conscience will follow
Like man and his shadow
So put it all on the table
May you risk what you feast
But beware of your gaurd
For pleasure gaurds you least
The focus is real
May you not be forgetful
As darkness approaches
Shall you not be regretful
A sacrifice to the fullest
Anyone can tap its power
But its given to the fewest
For many more are simply just coward

-Joshua Rosario-
J&R Poetry©

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Free eBook offer for a limited time!!

 Check out my newly published eBook Why this life is yours: Discover how religion, philosophy, and technology define the purpose of life.
The offer only last until 1/15/15 so get your free copy from today!

Here is a brief description of the eBook
So entangled do we become in the mesh of material prolificness that we hardly think or dare to think what is the purpose of  this life we are leading or more explicitly, does this life really have a purpose except surviving? 

In Why this Life is Yours, author Rita Roy Chowdhury shows how religion, philosophy, and technology have impacted how people define the purpose of life. This engaging and deeply narrated short novel hopes to cultivate inspiration while defining what the greater meaning of life is.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

*Where Do We Stand* (

Here is a poem written by the creative poet Joshua Rosario. His work relates so closely to the ideas that attempts to teach that I had no other option besides sharing it with others. If you like his work feel free to share and don't forget to check out for the newest content.

*Where Do We Stand*

How deep can one go when the struggle exist
Is it mind over matter
Or a journey to the abyss
How far shall one climb to make it through all this
Tainted by morals
If such morals persist
Can keep one cold hearted
Thats if, the heart still exist
Attitude over Gratitude
What a life we live in
As the world spits out it's poison
We allow it to stream, and sit in
What happened to the believers who wanted to make a difference
Playing in a role were we follow, but dont listen
This world may be crippled and crumbled
Yet can we still fix upon the pieces that we stumble
Its the mix of fear that causes
ones speech to mumble
For it takes belief in oneself to become ever so humble
Generation after generation
We loose the light thats been let in
A life that can be so simple
Has bumps and dead ends
The mind is so infinite
There's so much yet to discover
The sad truth is, will we even be here...........
I wonder

-Joshua Rosario-
J&R Poetry©